I thoroughly enjoy judging and am committed to giving specific feedback to competitors on their tests in a positive manner. Judge an average of 27 shows a year across the U.S. and Canada
Classical Dressage
USEF "S" Dressage Judge with certification in Young horses, Equitation, and Freestyle
USDF instructor through fourth level
USDF Certification faculty (in process of completing requirements)
USDF Bronze, Silver, and Gold medalist
USDF Platinum and Diamond Diploma for attendance at University programs
Current Chairperson of the USDF Freestyle Committee (member since 2006)
Former member of the USDF Judges Committee
Cowriter and developer of USDF continuing education program for "L" graduates and judges


Western Dressage
USEF "R" Western Dressage judge
WDAA life member
National Stock Show Judge
Arabian Sport Horse Nationals (Judge)
Friesian World Show (Judge)
WDAA World Championship Show (Judge 2017)
Judged numerous other breed and open shows throughout the U.S. and Canada
Taught the first WDAA inaugural group apprentice program for judges in 2015 with over 27 participants
Presenter at the 2017 WDAA judges forum
Published author on WDAA website (Article on musical Freestyle)
Part of the test writing working group to develop and write the 2017 WDAA new tests and Freestyle tests.