Recent Accomplishments
2015 awards
Owner and trainer of Electra a 6 yr old Dutch mare purchased in July of 2015
Electra 2015 wins:
RMDS champs 2015
Training level open champion
RMDS futurity winner
High point two out of the three shows days
Year end awards
​RMDS Training level champion
RMDS futurity winner for winning RMDS tr level champs at year end show and HOY in year end awards
Champion 4 year old and over in hand champion mare
RMDS futurity winner for winning the futurity at the championship show and the training level HOY champion
Rider above 45 with the highest median average
Dutch champion in all breed awards

2016 year end awards
RMDS First level Freestyle champion
RMDS first level horse of the year reserve champion .
Won award for high median average for riders over 45
Dutch year end breed award
Champion in hand mare
First level Freestyle 8th nationally
First level open 19th national ranking
KWPN first level FS all breed awards 3rd place
KWPN first level open 4th place
Vintage awards first level open 3rd place
Vintage award first level FS 2nd place
2018 - Named the USDF Instructor/Trainer Program's newest faculty member
2017 - Dressage Today; Sept 4th, 2017 "Uncover the Mystery of On the Bit"
2017 - Voted "Best of 2017 Instructors" in the area by Lessons.com
2017 - USDF Episode 147; Jan 2017 "Freestyle Dos and Don'ts"
2015 - USDF Episode 106; Dec 2016 " Tips for Freestyle Riders and Judges"
2015 - USDF Episode 98 and 95; Oct 2105 "Rules for USDF Musical Freestyle
2014 - Dressage Today; May 2014, Vol.20, Issue 9 Feature article "Riding the USEF Rider Tests" by Janet Hannon
2014 - USDF Episode 51; Nov 2014, "Changes to the Freestyle Test"
2013 - USDF National Award First Place: Rocky Mountain Dressage Society, Centaur, May 2013: Exceptional George Williams Clinic Clarifies Training Scale by Janet “Dolly” Hannon
2011 - President "Emeritus" of the Rocky Mountain Dressage Society Foothills Chapter
2009 - "Russ Fawcett" Memorial award for life long dedication to the sport of dressage through education and "giving back"